On Yoga and Joy

I find that words are lacking when attempting to explain my recent 200HR Yoga Teacher Training journey in Bali, and what I have continued to learn of Yoga, in all its forms. From the traditional philosophy, through to the art and the science, the magical by-product of the health it brings to the body, mind and heart, and all the bits in between.

Yoga Is not just a practice, it is a lifestyle, and it goes way beyond the mat. That being said, even just spending 15 minutes a day on the mat is already so potent. My self practice have deepened and grown into something much larger than myself. I have learnt so much. What has sung most true to me recently is this:

Life is a gift, and Yoga, to me, is a way of celebrating and living life in the most intimate way.
It brings me right into the heart of being alive.

Since returning from Bali, the little but pressing life stuff, such as finances, time, and ‘future planning’ has somewhat taken its toll on me. Yet, I know that none of it is mine. Two things I have come to learn (amongst so, so many others):

Claim Nothing, Enjoy: This is a line from The Bhagavad Gita. Claim Nothing, Enjoy. Nothing is ‘mine’ - simply enjoy. When I work, work, without claiming, and instead simply enjoy the working itself. When I practice Yoga or when I meditate, it is not ‘my’ practice, it is not ‘my’ body that is getting better or worse, it is not ‘my’ mind… simply do the practice, claim none of it, and enjoy the body. When I am cooking - the work is to enjoy the cooking itself. It is not ‘my’ cooking, or it is not ‘I’ who cooked, a meal was cooked- claim nothing, simply enjoy the action of cutting up the vegetables, smell the aromas, enjoy the experience.

My loves. Joy is the answer.
And Joy is a direct expression of the Heart. Living your day to day with Joy:
How much should I rest? The amount you can rest with Joy. How much should I work? The amount you can work with Joy. How much should I exercise a day? The amount you can exercise with Joy. And by Joy, I do not mean: feeling happy and comfortable. Sometimes being challenged is also joyful. Sometimes working is a wonderful experience. No, what I mean by Joy is contentment.

One way to measure whether you are doing something with Joy, is to check in with the body.
Specifically, the breath. Is tension present? Are you working / socialising / exercising with a sense of tension or a shallow breath? If so, pause, take a deep breath, take a moment… come back to what you are doing, and allow yourself to enjoy what it is you are doing.

And so, I return back to Yoga.

Life is a gift. Yoga reminds me of that every time I practice. And it slowly starts to show up in other areas of life. Yoga strengthens my ability to measure whether I am ‘living with Joy'

P.S. I will be going back to Bali mid July, to complete the 300hr training. We will dive deeper into Breathwork, meditation and Yin Yoga. I am beyond grateful to have been able to experience what I have so far, and continuously grateful for what is to come.

Let’s see what happens when I return!