It is so very clear to me, every single day, that this life is a gift. It truly is.
I used to bring my knees to my chest when going to bed as a child, so that God could have a seat at the edge of my bed. This felt very innate. No one told me to do this. I was not raised religiously. It was just the way it was. He was there - it was a fact. No doubt about it. I couldn’t straighten my legs, even if I wanted to, because it was his place - he was with me every night. Looking after me.
Then, life happened. It was not trendy to be religious. As an adult with a healthy amount of skepticism and distrust towards religion, my heart hungered for that kind of natural devotion, again. And I have found it, a long time ago, through Yoga and through Dance. At the time I fell in love with Yoga, I did not understand why I was so drawn to it. Now I do. The practice of yoga, in my experience, is the embrace of, and devotion to, Life itself, through a deep conversation between breath, movement and heart. Dance, in all its forms, is the same, to me. I am in full devotion to life when I am dancing.
As some of you know, I have recently completed my 300hr YTT. This means I am now certified as 500hr yoga teacher. I had the incredible privilege to learn from teachers of incredible heart, priceless wisdom, a wealth of knowledge, experience and deep, deep passion.
I have learned so much, still gathering the words... but all I can say right now is that my heart is exploding with love for you, dear fellow human. You are already so perfect - you are the evidence of life’s very essence. You are a beautiful, unique expression of life’s heart. Take a moment to breathe deeply, look into your own eyes, and simply observe the truth that you are.
I love you <3